Top 10 Dynamic Stretches Pre Workout

If you want peak performance in sports, you will have to create time and commit to training so you can get your body in perfect shape. This is not limited to sports alone but to other physically challenging activities too.

Top 10 Dynamic Stretches Pre Workout

If you want peak performance in sports, you will have to create time and commit to training so you can get your body in perfect shape. This is not limited to sports alone but to other physically challenging activities too.

However, before you start your workout, you need to answer this important question: Are pre-workout dynamic stretches necessary?

Athletes at all levels – regardless of their training regimen – know the importance of dynamic and static stretches. There are several researches out there that show the benefits of stretching especially when it comes to preventing injuries.

However, the most important part is that this regimen will greatly improve your flexibility and range of motion. This is very important for all fast-paced activities and all types of sports.

In particular, dynamic stretching helps warm up the muscles making the joints mobile and giving a more compliant tendon. This way, your body is prepared for the activity you’re about to embark on.

What is the difference?

Before going for the regimen you think is best, you have to know the difference between static and dynamic stretches.

For static stretching, you have to perform it in a fixed position. It is often done in a sustained hold in that positions so it lengthens a particular muscle.

Some research show that static stretches inhibit muscle power in some way. What this means is that when you lengthen and hold your muscles in a fixed position for long periods – there’s every chance the muscle will summon less force should it by tested later by resistance training.

For this reason, some people maintain that static stretching can negatively impact performance. Is dynamic stretching any different?

On the other hand, dynamic stretching is done in motion. It often mimics the movement of the activity or sport you plan on performing as you factor in tense movements like cutting, jumping and sprinting.

By performing dynamic stretches, you create more body heat and it prepares your body for fast-paced and rigorous activities. A good example are swimmers who swing their arms around to improve joint readiness and promote mobility.

Here are some dynamic stretches you can try out.

  • Vinyasa Flow

This dynamic stretch is a yoga staple and is a great warm up exercise perfect for strengthening the upper body and it also opens the front and back of your body. Ensure you go through five flows in a smooth tempo.

  • Inchworm

This dynamic stretch is just a slight advancement from the above stretch we just talked about. For most people, this stretch is their favourite due to how easy it is to follow. It targets your body’s backside and opens several muscles which are stiff due to extended sitting.

How to perform the stretch:

  • Assume a downward dog position by standing on all fours.
  • As far forward as you can, try to walk your feet as you keep your legs straight.
  • Next, try walking your hands out and extend your entire body into a push up position as you lower in the direction of the floor.
  • Arch your back in a way that your shoulder and head are facing upwards to the sky.
  • Finally, try flowing back into the downward dog position before walking your feet in all over again.
  • Repeat five more times.
  • Dynamic Pigeon

If you are looking for the decisive glute loosener, this is the stretch for you. If you’re experiencing tight hips, you’ll find this exercise uncomfortable yet rewarding.

Here’s how you do it:

  • Assume a push up position and move your right knee to your right hand.
  • Keep your ship in a parallel position to your hips in such a way that your left foot is at the back of your left hand.  
  • Move your hips to the floor and you’ll definitely feel the stretch.
  • Go back to the previous position then repeat the process on your other leg
  • Repeat 10 more times.
  • Leg Swings

Leg swings are ideal if you want to open your hamstrings and hips,

Here’s how to do it:

  • Choose a fixed surface or a wall to hold on to. On the other hand, you can do he move without any support whatsoever to enhance your stability.
  • Swing your right leg in a back and forth motion – 10 swings – like you are kicking a ball.
  • Repeat the process on your left leg.
  • Fire Hydrant Circles

Let us warn you in advance that your friends may laugh at you as you’ll be mimicking the pose of a dog taking a piss on their favourite fire hydrant.

At the end of the day, you’ll be the only one laughing when they are all complaining about sore and stiff hips or lower body.

Here’s how you do it:

  • Get down on all fours
  • Ensure you steady your core so that no other part of your body moves except the leg that’s working.
  • Make sure your right leg is placed at 90Oand bend a little before moving it in circles
  • Repeat the process five more times in one direction after which you can move it in the opposite direction
  • Repeat the same process on the second leg.
  •  Leg Crossovers

Leg crossovers are perfect for opening IT bands, tight glutes and hamstrings.

Here’s how you go about it:

  • Lie flat on the floor and stretch out your arms to form a “T.”
  • Move your right leg towards your body as you try to make your toes touch your left hand.
  • Do the same thing with your left leg
  • Repeat the process 10 times.
  • Scorpion

This dynamic stretch is the direct reverse of the leg crossover. The movements are almost similar but the difference is that it is done with your face down.

Here’s how you do it:

  • Assume the “T” position but this time you should be facing the floor.
  • Next, the body should be rolled to the left in such a way that the right heel can touch the left hand.
  • Return your leg and repeat the process on the left side.
  • Repeat the process 10 times until you feel your quads, hip flexors and obliques open up as they should.
  • Page Turns

The credit for this dynamic stretch goes to the national soccer team of Germany. This dynamic stretch is perfect form opening tight glutes at the same time enhancing the rotation of your thoracic spine.

Here’s how you go about it:

  • Assume a fetal position but on your left side.
  • Keep your knees together and open your right arm in a way that it touches the floor – like an open book.
  • Go back to the fetal position you were previously and repeat the process 5 more times.
  • Switch sides.
  • Frog Walk-In

This is an amazing stretch that can open up your upper hamstrings and hips.

Here’s how you can do it:

  • Assume a push up position then bring your right foot to the back of your right hand.
  • With your hips, sit down to feel the stretch
  • Go back to the previous position and repeat the same process on your other leg.
  • Repeat the process 10 more times.

Top 10 Dynamic Stretches Pre Workout

If you want peak performance in sports, you will have to create time and commit to training so you can get your body in perfect shape. This is not limited to sports alone but to other physically challenging activities too.

However, before you start your workout, you need to answer this important question: Are pre-workout dynamic stretches necessary?

Athletes at all levels – regardless of their training regimen – know the importance of dynamic and static stretches. There are several researches out there that show the benefits of stretching especially when it comes to preventing injuries.

However, the most important part is that this regimen will greatly improve your flexibility and range of motion. This is very important for all fast-paced activities and all types of sports.

In particular, dynamic stretching helps warm up the muscles making the joints mobile and giving a more compliant tendon. This way, your body is prepared for the activity you’re about to embark on.

What is the difference?

Before going for the regimen you think is best, you have to know the difference between static and dynamic stretches.

For static stretching, you have to perform it in a fixed position. It is often done in a sustained hold in that positions so it lengthens a particular muscle.

Some research show that static stretches inhibit muscle power in some way. What this means is that when you lengthen and hold your muscles in a fixed position for long periods – there’s every chance the muscle will summon less force should it by tested later by resistance training.

For this reason, some people maintain that static stretching can negatively impact performance. Is dynamic stretching any different?

On the other hand, dynamic stretching is done in motion. It often mimics the movement of the activity or sport you plan on performing as you factor in tense movements like cutting, jumping and sprinting.

By performing dynamic stretches, you create more body heat and it prepares your body for fast-paced and rigorous activities. A good example are swimmers who swing their arms around to improve joint readiness and promote mobility.

Here are some dynamic stretches you can try out.

  1. Vinyasa Flow

This dynamic stretch is a yoga staple and is a great warm up exercise perfect for strengthening the upper body and it also opens the front and back of your body. Ensure you go through five flows in a smooth tempo.

  • Inchworm

This dynamic stretch is just a slight advancement from the above stretch we just talked about. For most people, this stretch is their favourite due to how easy it is to follow. It targets your body’s backside and opens several muscles which are stiff due to extended sitting.

How to perform the stretch:

  • Assume a downward dog position by standing on all fours.
  • As far forward as you can, try to walk your feet as you keep your legs straight.
  • Next, try walking your hands out and extend your entire body into a push up position as you lower in the direction of the floor.
  • Arch your back in a way that your shoulder and head are facing upwards to the sky.
  • Finally, try flowing back into the downward dog position before walking your feet in all over again.
  • Repeat five more times.
  • Dynamic Pigeon

If you are looking for the decisive glute loosener, this is the stretch for you. If you’re experiencing tight hips, you’ll find this exercise uncomfortable yet rewarding.

Here’s how you do it:

  • Assume a push up position and move your right knee to your right hand.
  • Keep your ship in a parallel position to your hips in such a way that your left foot is at the back of your left hand.  
  • Move your hips to the floor and you’ll definitely feel the stretch.
  • Go back to the previous position then repeat the process on your other leg
  • Repeat 10 more times.
  • Leg Swings

Leg swings are ideal if you want to open your hamstrings and hips,

Here’s how to do it:

  • Choose a fixed surface or a wall to hold on to. On the other hand, you can do he move without any support whatsoever to enhance your stability.
  • Swing your right leg in a back and forth motion – 10 swings – like you are kicking a ball.
  • Repeat the process on your left leg.
  • Fire Hydrant Circles

Let us warn you in advance that your friends may laugh at you as you’ll be mimicking the pose of a dog taking a piss on their favourite fire hydrant.

At the end of the day, you’ll be the only one laughing when they are all complaining about sore and stiff hips or lower body.

Here’s how you do it:

  • Get down on all fours
  • Ensure you steady your core so that no other part of your body moves except the leg that’s working.
  • Make sure your right leg is placed at 90Oand bend a little before moving it in circles
  • Repeat the process five more times in one direction after which you can move it in the opposite direction
  • Repeat the same process on the second leg.
  •  Leg Crossovers

Leg crossovers are perfect for opening IT bands, tight glutes and hamstrings.

Here’s how you go about it:

  • Lie flat on the floor and stretch out your arms to form a “T.”
  • Move your right leg towards your body as you try to make your toes touch your left hand.
  • Do the same thing with your left leg
  • Repeat the process 10 times.
  • Scorpion

This dynamic stretch is the direct reverse of the leg crossover. The movements are almost similar but the difference is that it is done with your face down.

Here’s how you do it:

  • Assume the “T” position but this time you should be facing the floor.
  • Next, the body should be rolled to the left in such a way that the right heel can touch the left hand.
  • Return your leg and repeat the process on the left side.
  • Repeat the process 10 times until you feel your quads, hip flexors and obliques open up as they should.
  • Page Turns

The credit for this dynamic stretch goes to the national soccer team of Germany. This dynamic stretch is perfect form opening tight glutes at the same time enhancing the rotation of your thoracic spine.

Here’s how you go about it:

  • Assume a fetal position but on your left side.
  • Keep your knees together and open your right arm in a way that it touches the floor – like an open book.
  • Go back to the fetal position you were previously and repeat the process 5 more times.
  • Switch sides.
  • Frog Walk-In

This is an amazing stretch that can open up your upper hamstrings and hips.

Here’s how you can do it:

  • Assume a push up position then bring your right foot to the back of your right hand.
  • With your hips, sit down to feel the stretch
  • Go back to the previous position and repeat the same process on your other leg.
  • Repeat the process 10 more times.
  • Frog Walk-In Twist

The difference with this exercise and the frog walk-in is the twisting progression.

Here’s how you go about it:

  • Start with a push up position then bring in one foot
  • Next, turn the back foot until it is flat on the floor
  • Then try to twist in addition to opening up to the side.
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