Top 10 Static Stretches Post Workout

Top 10 Static Stretches Post Workout
Staying injury free is the major goal of everybody especially after an intense workout session. However, there’s an easy to follow remedy which is to stretch. Staying injury free is the major goal of everybody especially after an intense workout session. However, there’s an easy to follow remedy which is to stretch.

Staying injury free is the major goal of everybody especially after an intense workout session. However, there’s an easy to follow remedy which is to stretch.

Regular stretching has several advantages like improving flexibility, increasing motion range and most importantly, reducing injury risks caused by connective tissue lesions. In addition, stretching can also relieve stress.

For this reason, the moment you finish your workout, try to clear out lactic acid in your body by performing post workout stretches.

Top 10 Static Stretches

As you know, we have several types of muscle groups in the body which means there’s a static stretch meant for each one. Let’s take a look at 10 post workout stretches you can partake in.

  • Standing Quadriceps Stretch

The quadriceps can be found in front of the thighs and without doubt, they make you look good. Besides, the quadriceps help in moving the upper leg, flexing the hip and extending knee.

When you have a tight quad, there’s every chance it’ll stress your hamstrings and it can also misalign your hips.

  • Put your hand on the wall for balance while standing straight.
  • In a backwards motion, lift up your right foot while holding it in position with your right hand. Make sure your heel should touch your butt cheek while doing this.
  • Your knee should align with your hip as your pull your foot to your glutes.
  • Do this for a minimum of 30 seconds, then repeat it on the other side.
  • Seated Forward Bend

You can find the hamstrings behind your thighs and it extends to the glutes. When it’s tight, it causes pain and pull in your glutes. By doing the seated forward bend, you can stretch these areas.

  • Stretch your legs on the floor while sitting upright.
  • Bend gently at your hips as your lower your torso to your thighs.
  • Depending on how flexible you are, try to grab your shin, ankles or feet.
  • As gently as possible, pull your mass in the direction of your thighs and maintain that position for 30 seconds or more.
  • Cobra Pose

If you want to work on your back, shoulders, chest and abdominals, this is the static stretch to do.

  • Lie on the floor and stretch your legs behind you.
  • Your hands should be placed on your shoulder and make sure your elbows aren’t far from your body.
  • Press your feet, thighs and pelvis to the floor, with both hands straightened tilt your heads upwards to the ceiling.
  • Maintain this position for a minimum of 30 seconds.
  • Post-Workout Chest Stretch

You may suffer from a hunched posture if your chest muscles are bunched up. With the standing chest stretch, you can lengthen and loosen your pectoral muscles.  

  • Stand straight and align your ankles, hips and shoulders.
  • Try clasping your hands behind your back. Next, lift your arms slowly until your start feeling the tension all through your chest and shoulders.
  • Maintain the position for a minimum of 30 seconds.
  • Post-Workout Shoulder Joint Stretch

Don’t forget your shoulders as they also need static stretches too. Your shoulder is responsible for several motions and it involves the scapula, thoracic region, clavicle, rib cage and humerus.

Each interaction is complex and it uses several muscles and ligaments for stability. Therefore, these ligaments and muscles are prone to injury and stiffness.

  • Get a towel and hold it out with both hands in front of you.
  • As slow as you can, raise your hands right above your head and move it behind you.
  • Maintain this position for a minimum of 30 seconds and ensure you are still holding the towel tightly.
  • Post-Workout Lat Stretch

You latimissimus dorsi or lats as its popularly called are the muscles that are responsible for pulling your arms close to your body when performing exercises such as pull up.

The moment it becomes tighter than it should, you are at risk of a slouching posture. Relax and loosen your lats by performing this easy to follow stretch.  

  • Put on your hand arms at the back of your head.
  • The other arm should be raised and placed atop your elbow as you pull back gently while you stretch your triceps.
  • Maintain this position for a minimum of 30 seconds.
  • Put one arm behind your head
  • Post-Workout Groin Stretch

This static stretch works on the lower back, hamstrings, glutes, inner thighs and the groin. Unarguably, the groin muscles are considered one of the largest muscle groups with several functions.

One of its primary functions is to move your legs and as such, they are prone to several injuries. With this post workout static stretch, you can prevent these injuries and keep them agile.

  • Sit comfortably on the floor
  • Gently bend each knee and bring your feet together firmly.
  • You elbows should rest on your knees as you hold each feet in your hand.
  • Use your elbows to press your knees to the floor as gently as possible and ensure you keep your back straight.
  • Maintain this position for a minimum of 30 seconds.
  • Post-Workout Calves Stretches

Most people don’t pay attention to smaller muscle groups. However, you shouldn’t forget that they are equally important and you need to pay more attention to them especially your calves. You’ll experience some form of imbalance and pain if there is tightness in your calves.

  • Sit on the floor.
  • Your left leg should be bent at the knees while you stretch your right leg fully. Ensure your left foot rests inside your right leg.
  • Bend from your hip as you use your right hand to reach for your outstretched right foot, then pull it towards you gently.
  • Maintain this position for a minimum of 30 seconds.
  • Repeat the same process on your left side.
  • Post-Workout Hip Flexors Stretch

The muscle group atop the thighs are called the hip flexors and they are in charge of moving the lower body. The hip flexors allow you twist your hips, bend, kick, and most importantly, walk.

With static stretches, you can prevent tightness in your hip flexors and ensure they are always flexible. This way you are not at risk of any strain.

  • Kneel on the floor.
  • Assume a lunge position. With your right leg, take a significant step forward.
  • Ensure your upper body is upright and in a forward motion, push your hips until your trailing leg is feeling stretched.
  • Maintain this position for a minimum of 30 seconds.
  • Repeat the same process with your other leg forward.
  • Post-Workout Glutes Stretch

In this era, there’s nothing as amazing as having an eye-catching butt.  After doing the step ups, hip thrusts, squats and lunges, you shouldn’t deny your glutes the care it deserves. After all, the glutes are the largest muscle groups in the body.

Static stretches that concentrate on the glutes loosen any tightness or tension, at the same time, it improves flexibility in the hips and glutes.

  • Stand on the floor with your feet apart.
  • Try raising your right leg and place your ankle on the knee of your left leg.
  • The right elbow should be used to press down on the right knee as you bend your left knee in one leg squat.
  • Maintain this position for 30 seconds.
  • Repeat the process with your second leg.

Although this list does not contain all the stretches out there, on the other hand, it covers the basic stretches you need.

Try starting with the basics – i.e the above static stretches listed – as it will help in maximizing your workout. At the same time, it will also help you achieve your fitness goals in no time and you’ll lose lots of fat, build the necessary muscles and get those chiselled abs.

Post Workout Stretches

Generally, as a safety guideline, at no point in time should static stretches be painful. If you notice a technique is causing you pain, try reducing the range while your build up bit by bit.

Only stretch to the point where you feel comfortable and the minimum time you should hold a pose is 30 seconds.

Each stretch you perform should be done in rounds with each round lasting 30 seconds or more. With time, you’ll notice a significant improvement in your flexibility then you can take it a step further.

What you shouldn’t do is get frustrated or try to rush things up as you may not get the right results. When you notice an improvement in your flexibility, you can hold for longer periods as it will give you better results. Do not fail to stretch all sides equally.

Also, don’t forget to breathe during the course of each stretch – regardless of the technique. By breathing, you get to relax your entire body and it also helps in deepening the stretch.

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