Water: Most Underrated Performance Enhancer

By now, we believe you know that your body is made up of water – not entirely but about 70%. Without water, your chances of survival reduces greatly. Water is needed for almost all processes in your body.

As important as water is, several people still take it for granted and athletes are also culpable. During training, it is important for the cells to be hydrated and it also helps you perform well during competitions. That’s not all, it also helps you recover. As an athlete, you need water before, during and after training.

Your body will definitely give you signals when you are not hydrated enough. If at any time your body gets dehydrated, it may take between a few hours to some days before you recover. Hence, it’s best to avoid these kinds of scenarios from the get-go.

Here are some symptoms you should be on the lookout for:

  • Thirst: As much as you can, try to make sure you don’t get to the point of extreme thirst. Drink water even though you aren’t feeling thirsty. Keep in mind that when you feel thirsty, you’ve already lost about one percent of your body’s water content.

When you feel thirsty, it means you’re close to dehydration that’s if you aren’t already.

  • Muscle cramps.
  • Dizzy and light-headed.
  • Headache.
  • Nausea & vomiting and more.

The above-listed feelings will greatly affect your performance, so you need to make sure you avoid it at all cost by drinking enough water.

Here are a few strategies to help you stay hydrated:

Before You Start Training

No matter your training routine, always ensure you drink water before starting your training. Take a cup of water 15 or 30 minutes before you start.

There’s nothing as good as entering a session fully hydrated. This helps you cover for the sweat loss during training.

During Training

As a beginner or professional athlete, you still need to hydrate at regular intervals in the course of training. This helps your body meet its metabolic demands at the same time fuelling the muscles used to work.

After the first 60 minutes of training, drink about 1 litre of water. Avoid sugary drinks like sweet teas, lemonades and juice drinks. Carbonated drinks are not exempted as they’ll make your belly bloat and it’ll reduce your urge to drink more water. High caffeine drinks which are diuretics also add to fluid loss.

To be on the safe side, keep a water bottle beside you so you can reach for it between repeats and sets. This also lets you take a few sip every 20 minutes or more.

Take Hydration during Workout Seriously

In conclusion, make sure you develop the habit of drinking water regardless of the activity you’re performing. You need to take hydration seriously especially during workouts.  

As a note of caution, drinking too much water can also cause problems as it can be harmful and in some cases fatal. Being overhydrated can also impede your performance so you need to strike a balance.

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