Why Do I Need Protein?

Why Need Protein

Protein is vital to the human body as the body needs it to work as it should and most importantly to stay healthy. You can find about ten thousand types of protein in your muscles, organs, tissues, hair, skin and more.

Also, protein is a vital part of several processes that give you energy. In addition, it also aids in the movement of oxygen throughout your body via your blood.

Thanks to proteins, your body can also make antibodies that ward off illnesses and infections. Finally, proteins are also vital in making new cells together with keeping the cells healthy.

How Much Protein Does Your Need?

If you don’t have the required amount of protein in your diet, there’s every chance you’ll battle several health issues. A good example is when your tissue breaks down leading to muscle loss.

On the other hand, keep in mind that having more is not better either. Although proteins build the muscles, if it’s in excess, your body will store it the excess protein as fat.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Department of Agriculture compiled a Dietary Guideline for Americans. The guideline shows the recommended daily amount of protein for various age groups

  • below 4 years: 13 grams
  • 4 – 8: 19 grams
  • 9 – 13: 34 grams
  • Women and girls from age 14 and over: 46 grams
  • Boys aged 14 to 18: 52 grams
  • Men aged 19 and above: 56 grams

In simpler terms, everyone should consume about 10 percent to 35 percent of their daily calories in protein. More calories are needed for activities like running, lifting weights, or biking.

The moment you clock 40, you begin to experience a condition called sarcopenia which shows you’re losing muscle mass. This means you need more protein in your body.

People that are overweight need to reduce their calorie intake. With the help of a dietician, they’ll know the amount of protein their body needs.

More Reasons Why You Need Protein

Another important reason your body needs protein is because it helps repair your body after injury. This makes a lot of sense because it forms the major building blocks of your organs and tissues.

Several studies show that eating protein immediately after an injury helps a great deal in speeding up recovery.

Finally, several long-term studies have shown that protein – this includes animal protein – has key benefits to the health of your bones.

If you eat more proteins, there’s every chance you’ll have bone mass better even as you age. Also, you’ll have a lower risk of getting fractures and osteoporosis.

This is important for women because they are at higher risks of getting osteoporosis after the advent of menopause. Eating plenty of protein and staying active is a good way to help prevent that from happening.

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